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This game was good. I was scared the entire time and timid. The jumpscares had me on my toes.The gameplay starts at about 8 minutes!!


I felt the suspense throughout the whole thing. An impressive first game, loved the effort and hard work you put into this. Looking forward to your future games!


This game was a lot of fun to play. Definitely made the store eerie to walk through when it was dark. Rip my boi Tim though, at least he died doing what he loved. Great work!

Had a Blast playing this! thank you Mintnim for the thrills, jump scares, and yes amazing soundtrack you had! :

hope you enjoy it and plz dont forget to support me ❤️😊

I liked the game it was a fun experience, at the end I really get some really funny jumpscares.

Gameplay PT-BR

I just like the last part what RPG

Fun game, had a good time playing it.

Great game! I love the way Tim got down with the music lol. 

This game definitely looks interesting.
Would you be so kind as to add in options for controls and inverted Y-Axis?

Super cool bon travail =)

I really loved this game. But, sorry dev I love poking fun at yall. But, all in just playful manner I loved the game and really great job devs.

Great game! The suspense was for real! 

It was pretty good. A bit confusing at first, but it had some decent scares!

Here is my gameplay:


This game is beyond funny 

great game! check out my gamrplay!

Quite fun, a little bit cliche and definitely very retro. Moral of the story: don't pick up potentially cursed books. Anyway, game was overall fun though I wish the player could sprint  since the character is quite slow. Besides that, it was a good experience though not the scariest game I've ever played.

Great Game 10/10

A bit cliche, but the scares def still got me! I still loved it! Can't wait to see what else you come up with.

the scares def got me in some parts. it was sketchy as hell, but i liked it. i love games with art styles like this, especially horror games.

What A Great & Scary Game!! Plus, this is your 1st game? Can't wait to see what you make next! Keep up the great work!


cool game but it would've been scarier if you had to sneak around the monster in the store 


Found a glitch at the end and had to do a trickshot on the crawler.


Great game but Tim was definitely on something
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Even though i think the ending could be improved, the tension created leading up to the final moment was really well executed, it definitely frightened me a bit. Nicely done!

(1 edit) (+1)


A niceeeee simple indie horror you cant go wrong!

I gave it a 7.5/10 its really good just need more scare to it in my personal opinion :D MUSIC WAS HITTIN!


that was great, well done!




This game was funny. Loved the game. Too bad for poor Tim. Also, I loved how this game made me feel that the store clerk was the bad guy, but actually was cool. Good Job devs I did poke jokes about the grammar with false instead of fault. 


Never going to a random store in the middle of nowhere after this!


Pretty sketchy game unexpected ending xd


For a first game, it's not bad.  Can't wait to see what you do next! 


Great Game!


Tried out your game!


Got Crawled all over my pants


OMG it was so intresting!!


Really well done! Amazing first published game, thanks for making it!


Kind of late to the party-
But this game is phenomenal and as your first published game on your space, it's fantastic


That was GREAT!
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